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Construction Update Von Strasser Winery in Calistoga, CA

Walls are going up on the 5,000 GPD MEMPAC-I for Von Strasser Winery in Calistoga, CA. This system is expected to ship before the end of July.


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Ten years ago, a family of operators and maintenance technicians met around a kitchen table, as they had many times before, to discuss whether or not they could build better package wastewater treatment plants than the ones they were currently installing. On that night in 2008, Cloacina went from an obscure idea to an official corporation. Cloacina quickly moved from the dining room into a tiny apartment above the shop where Chris Nally drew plans for wastewater systems at night after completing his duties as Operations Manager for another firm. Shortly thereafter, a full-time CAD drafter was hired and then Troy Ellison joined the fledgling team as the Production Manager. A 21,000 square foot building and dozens of employees later and with a new production facility under construction, it has been an amazing ten years! 

We want to express our sincere gratitude to our employees, clients, vendors and everyone else that has contributed to the success and growth of this company over the past ten years!

Cloacina Slide Rail™ System


The patented Cloacina Slide Rail™ System provides mounting and support of equipment such as pumps, probes and screens requiring precise installation and repeated removal for calibration and maintenance. The Slide Rail System comes standard on all Cloacina package wastewater treatment plants which allows multiple pieces of equipment to be installed in a tight space without tension on or tangling of power cords and controls cables.

Learn more by visiting https://www.cloacina.com/slide-rail-system

Groundbreaking for New Manufacturing Annex

Cloacina recently broke ground on our new 18,000 square foot manufacturing annex. Located on the acre adjacent to our current production facility, the additional space will allow us to nearly double the number of projects that can be fabricated and upfitted at the same time. Construction is scheduled to be completed in January of 2019. Stay tuned for photos and construction updates!

Coming Soon to Parkdale, Oregon

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We are proud to announce that a 62,000 gallon per day MEMPAC-M is coming soon to the Parkdale Sanitary District in Parkdale, Oregon. The District is upgrading their  wastewater treatment facility in order to produce a higher effluent quality than their current  treatment plant is capable of.  This project is being funded by the USDA  and is scheduled to be installed fall of 2018! Cloacina is excited to work with the District and the engineers at Murraysmith on the design and production of their MEMPAC-M!  Stay tuned for more details and photos of this project!

Tracer Dye Testing

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Cloacina uses tracer dye tests to enable visual observation of flow as it travels through a wastewater treatment plant. Tracer dye tests verify sufficient mixing of process flow and verify hydraulic retention time (HRT) - the average time a particle of water spends in a tank or in the system at a given flow rate. During the test, a fluorescent yellow-green liquid dye is injected into clear, flowing water at the head of a plant to check for any "dead spots" in a process tank - areas where clear water is not mixed with or displaced by dyed water.